Monday, February 25, 2008

Houseplants the AGGRAND way

Houseplants the AGGRAND Way
If you're a houseplant enthusiast, AGGRAND has developed an excellent fertility program just for you! If you're not, AGGRAND can make you look like an expert without a lot of fuss.
Houseplants depend on you to supply their needs:
Here's what you need on hand to do the job right:
Apply AGGRAND products regularly; organic matter two times a year.
A one gallon capacity watering can with a long spout.
Leach the pots with plenty of water twice a year.
AGGRAND Natural Fertilizer 4-3-3
Apply enough water, but do not over water.
AGGRAND Natural Liquid Bonemeal 0-12-0
Repot the plants every couple of years.
AGGRAND Natural Kelp and Sulfate of Potash 0-0-8

AGGRAND Natural Liquid Lime

A bag of earthworm castings, good quality compost or composted manure.

A bag or two of potting mix containing sphagnum peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, sand or sandy loam soil and/or pumice (Mix should be pH adjusted to 6.0-7.0 for most plants. Nurseries usually sell in-house mixes that are cheap and high quality. Try to get one without time release fertilizer added.)

Pots of various sizes (Make sure they have drainage holes).

A small hand spade.

A tub for mixing soil.

a. Apply AGGRAND 4-3-3 every two weeks in summer and every four weeks in winter (For cacti, apply a very weak solution several times a year).
b. Apply AGGRAND 0-12-0 several times at monthly intervals in spring and fall.
c. Some plants will flower at certain times of year or even continuously when AGGRAND 0-12-0 is applied regularly (Every month in summer and every two months in winter).
d. Apply AGGRAND 0-0-8 sparingly along with the 4-3-3 every month in summer and every two months in winter.
e. Apply AGGRAND Liquid Lime every month in summer and every two months in winter.
f. There is no need to apply Liquid Lime when you are using AGGRAND 0-12-0 in spring and fall or during periods of flowering (Natural Liquid Bonemeal 0-12-0 also supplies calcium).
g. In spring and fall place potted plants in sink and leach with plenty of fresh water (At least one gallon of water for each gallon of soil).
h. Topdress the pots with compost or earthworm castings once in spring and once in fall after leaching (Use one cup for each gallon of soil).
i. When potting or repotting your plants, blend in one cup of compost or earthworm castings per gallon of soil; wet soil while in mixing tub with a solution of AGGRAND Liquid Lime and AGGRAND 0-12-0 until soil is well wetted; after potting a plant water it in with a weak solution of AGGRAND 4-3-3.

a Apply one cup of fertilizer solution per gallon of soil; make sure plants are well-watered between fertilizations (Some plants like moist soil at all times while others respond better when soil dries out more between waterings). Two tablespoons = 1 oz.

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